Attention Del Oro Future Freshman
Hi Future Golden Eagle Families!
The first step in becoming a Del Oro student is the enrollment process. In order to enroll your incoming freshman, you will need to follow the directions for New Student Enrollment. Be sure to have all of the required documents (explained below) accessible and ready to attach. All of the documents must be submitted along with the enrollment form in order for your student’s enrollment to be complete.
The required documents for New Student Enrollment include:
A completed Residence Verification Form with two forms of verification as proof
Student immunization records (personal beliefs waiver no longer accepted)
Student birth certificate, passport, birth record, baptism certificate, or affidavit
Student’s current IEP or 504 Plan - (this is only needed for students with a current IEP or 504 Plan)
When you have all of these documents on hand, fill out the online enrollment form for your student - attaching all of the necessary documents - and submit. You will have just completed the first step!